2018-03-27 Council Minutes

Summer Village of West Baptiste
Council Meeting

March 27th 2018 10:30AM
Baptiste Fire Hall

Present: Keith Wilson, Linda Cargill, Mike Schouten, Vivian Driver

1. Call to order

Mayor Keith Wilson called the meeting to order at 10:35.

2. Approval of Agenda

The Agenda was approved as presented.


3. Approval of November 17th , 2017 Minutes

The November 17th, 2017 Minutes were approved as presented.


4. Financial Statement

The November, December 2017. January, February, March 2018 financial statements were approved as presented.


5. Payment of Accounts

Telus                                                             149.11
David Gray Ent                                            504.00
S V Whispering Hills Policing                    704.29
Data West                                                     88.94
Epcor                                                             78.92
AltaGas                                                          91.45
Vivian Driver                                            2,500.00
Data West                                                     62.69
David Gray Ent                                           504.00
Telus                                                            149.11
Athabasca Reg Waste                            1,025.40
Keith Wilson (incl expenses)                  1,651.94
Linda Cargill (incl expenses)                     830.50
Mike Schouten (incl expenses)                 772.50
Vivian Driver – expenses                            424.41
Athabasca County (Reh Bap Dr)            9,950.00
Timothy Campbell                                       562.50
Epcor                                                               77.04
AltaGas                                                         148.48
Vivian Driver                                             2,200.00


Municipal Assessor                                      955.50
Athabasca Regional Waste                       1,013.48
Telus                                                               149.11
David Gray                                                    504.00
Greater North Foundation                         2,131.93
AUMA Membership                                      893.83
Baptiste Fire Dept (2017)                         2,023.85
Vivian Driver                                               1,000.00
Epcor                                                                81.45
Northern Lights Library                               395.32
ASVA Membership                                       766.00
AltaGas                                                          193.53
David Gray                                                    504.00
Telus                                                              149.11
Athabasca Regional Waste                       1,013.48
AMSC Insurance                                        3,797.72
David Gray Ent                                          1 ,008.00
Vivian Driver                                               1,000.00
WCB                                                               231.72
AltaGas                                                          152.83
Epcor                                                               82.83
Athabasca Regional Waste                       1,013.48
David Gray Ent                                             504.00
Telus                                                              149.11
Seniuk and Co. (Audit)                            3,255.00

Payment of Accounts was approved.


6.0 Business Arising

6.1 Grants

The 2016 Conditional Operating Expenditures have been accepted.

An Alberta Community Partnership 2017/18 grant application has been submitted. This grant is applicable to the development and completion of municipal development plans.

6.2 Audit Report

MOTION: That the Summer Village of West Baptiste approve the 2017 Audit report as submitted.


6.3 Sewage Compliance

The sewage compliance report was reviewed. Follow up to any properties will be brought forward this summer.

6.4 Mutual Aid Fire Control Plan 2018-2021

The Mutual Aid Fire Control Plan for 2017-2021 was signed.

6.5 Councillor Training and Extra Duties

All Councillors have completed training as required by Municipal Affairs.

6.6 Village Web Page

The new Web page is up and running.

6.7 Municipal Assessment Services Contract

MOTION: That the Municipal Assessment Services Contract for 2018 – 2023 be signed.


6.8 Walkway

It had been requested by some Village residents that a walkway be cleaned on the original Village road near properties in the 700 numbers. A quote from NGW Tree Services has been received and accepted. Extension of the walkway onto private property was declined by the property owner.

6.9 Cannabis

Discussion. It was agreed that neither the sale nor growth of Cannabis would be a factor in the Village.

6.10 MGA
6.10.1 Athabasca County

The Mayor and Administrator will be meeting with the County April 11.

6.11 Budget

The budget was discussed and will be brought forward at the next Council meeting on April 21.

6.12 Roads

Keith Wilson will discuss roads with David Gray. Vivian Driver will contact David Gray to discuss possible signage warning of the frost heave on Baptiste Dr. This occurs each winter and decreases in the Spring.

6.13 Insurance

A large increase to insurance rates was received this year. This topic will be brought up at the Summer Villages of Alberta conference in October.

6.14 BAILS

Minutes for the February 3 Annual General meeting have not been received to day. Testing of Baptiste and Island Lakes was completed in 2017. There was no contamination at the south end of Baptiste Lake, a small amount at the north end. Island Lake reported none. Keith Wilson will attend the Board of Directors meeting on April 14th.

6.15 Code of Conduct

MOTION: That the Council of the Summer Village of West Baptiste give first reading to ByLaw 108/2018.


MOTION: That the Council of the Summer Village of West Baptiste give second reading to ByLaw 108/2018.


MOTION: That the Council of the Summer Village of West Baptiste give three readings in one session to ByLaw 108/2018.


MOTION: That the Council of the Summer Village of West Baptiste give third and final reading to ByLaw 108/2018.


6.16 Municipal Planning Services Subdivision Fees

MOTION: That the Summer Village of West Baptiste continue to use the services of Municipal Planning Services.


6.17 Councillors’ Reports

Mike Schouten attended the BAILS meeting and the Beaver Workshop.

Linda Cargil attended the AUMA Municipal Leaders Caucus March 14th and 15th. Linda reported it was interesting. Ministers spoke, then asked for questions. It was motivating to spend time with the Ministers.

7. Correspondence

7.1 Correspondence included in Business Arising

8. Information Items

8.1 Alberta Municipal Affairs
– Transitional Hybrid Assessment Approach for Designated Industrial Properties
– Minister’s Awards for Municipal Excellence
8.2 Alberta Infrastructure – ICIP funding

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 12:50om.

10. Next Meeting

April 21st 10:30 am at the Baptiste Firehall

